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quill pen RL0061
quill pen RL0061

quill pen RL0061

Item number: RL0061

Size: 205mm

Finish: Laser

Weight: 8.6g

Package:5pcs/opp bag

Features: The color of this pen is very bright, and the combination of colorful plastic feathers and ballpoint pen makes this pen more design. In addition, the ink of the ballpoint pen and the material of the pen body are made of non-toxic and environmentally friendly materials to protect the user's body to the greatest extent. 

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The feather pen has a feather design at the top of the pen, which makes this ballpoint pen very different from similar products. In addition, the design of the pen body, which is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, conforms to people's pen habits, which can make people more comfortable when using it.