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Travelling Set
Travelling Set

Painterly Florals Travelling Set

1pc passport holder

PU hot stamping foil/ 109x150mm

1pc luggage tag

PU hot stamping foil/65x107mm

1pc name card, artpaper

Packing: paper tray with PET lid

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Painterly Florals Travelling Set 


Travelling can be a stressful activity, especially if you're short on time and need to get ready quickly. Painterly Florals Travelling Set makes it easier with its comprehensive selection of travel essentials. From makeup brushes to lipsticks, the set has all you need for looking your best wherever you go.

The set includes a range of cosmetics in a convenient carrying case that makes it easy to transport all your items in one organized bag. Its contents, including foundation, blush, mascara, eye shadow and lip gloss are all made from high-quality ingredients that are gentle on the skin yet deliver long-lasting results. And because it's designed with portability in mind, the bag is lightweight and fits easily into any suitcase or carry-on luggage.

Painterly Florals Travelling Set is an ideal choice for anyone who wants to look great without spending hours getting ready or packing multiple bags for their trip. With its easy mobility and wide variety of products, this set is sure to make travelling more enjoyable and stress-free!

If you love to travel and explore the world, then the Painterly Florals Travelling Set is a must-have! This set includes everything you need to capture your travels in vibrant, watercolour art. The set features a variety of high-quality brushes and paints, as well as a compact carrying case for easy transport. With this set, you can easily create unique and vibrant artwork no matter where your journey takes you.